How to Care for Your Teeth After Whitening Treatment

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How to Care for Your Teeth After Whitening Treatment

Teeth whitening can be a great way to get a beautiful smile. If you’ve just had your teeth whitened, you will want to make sure that you take care of them properly in order to preserve the results and keep your teeth healthy. Here are some tips on how to care for your teeth after undergoing a teeth whitening treatment.

1. Avoid Certain Foods and Beverages

It is important to avoid certain foods and beverages for at least 24 hours after undergoing a teeth whitening treatment. This includes anything that can stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea, red wine and dark colored fruits and vegetables like blueberries and beets. It is also best to avoid anything that is acidic, like citrus fruits and tomato-based sauces, as these can erode the enamel on your teeth.

  • Avoid Smoking

Smoking can cause discoloration of your teeth, so it is best to avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after undergoing a teeth whitening treatment. This will help to preserve the results of your treatment and keep your teeth looking white and bright for longer.

  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

It is important to maintain good oral hygiene practices in order to keep your teeth healthy and to preserve the results of the whitening treatment. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly. It is also important to use a fluoride-based toothpaste in order to help protect your teeth from staining.

  • Avoid Teeth Whitening Products

It is best to avoid any type of over-the-counter teeth whitening products for at least 48 hours after undergoing a teeth whitening treatment. This is because the active ingredients in these products can irritate your gums and cause sensitivity to cold or hot foods and drinks.

2. Use Specialized Toothpaste

It is important to use a specialized toothpaste after whitening treatments in order to protect your teeth from staining. Look for a toothpaste that contains ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, which can help to break down the staining molecules on your teeth.

  • Rinse with Water

Rinse your mouth out with water after eating or drinking anything that could potentially stain your teeth. This will help to remove any food particles and residue before they have the chance to settle on your teeth and cause staining.

  • Use a Straw

When drinking beverages that can stain your teeth, use a straw so that the liquid bypasses your teeth and goes straight down your throat. This will help to prevent staining of your newly whitened teeth.

  • Avoid Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding can cause your newly whitened teeth to become discolored. Therefore, it is best to avoid this habit as much as possible. If you have a tendency to grind your teeth at night, consider using a mouthguard in order to protect your teeth from becoming damaged and discolored.


Caring for your teeth after a whitening treatment is essential in order to maintain the results. By avoiding certain foods and beverages, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, using specialized toothpaste, rinsing with water and using a straw when drinking staining liquids, you can keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.


Q: How soon after teeth whitening can I drink coffee?

A: It is best to avoid drinking coffee for at least 24 hours after a teeth whitening treatment. This will help to preserve the results of the treatment and prevent staining of your newly whitened teeth.

Q: Is it safe to use over-the-counter teeth whitening products after a professional teeth whitening treatment?

A: It is best to avoid any type of over-the-counter teeth whitening products for at least 48 hours after undergoing a professional teeth whitening treatment. This is because the active ingredients in these products can irritate your gums and cause sensitivity to cold or hot foods and drinks.

Q: Can I still enjoy acidic foods after a teeth whitening treatment?

A: You should be careful when eating foods that are acidic, like citrus fruits and tomato-based sauces, as these can erode the enamel on your teeth. It is best to rinse with water after consuming an acidic food or beverage in order to help protect the results of your whitening treatment.