If you have uneven or bulky gum tissue, our dentists may recommend cosmetic gum contouring to improve the health and appearance of your gums and smile. Your gum contouring treatment will be carefully performed to ensure your comfort as well as provide the best possible results for your smile. To learn more about gum contouring in Yuma, Arizona, and make an appointment with Dr. Thor Thorson and Dr. Stephen Garner, call Gila Ridge Dental today at 928-249-3673.

Are you tired of your “gummy smile”? A gummy smile is when your gums are excessively larger or bulky, rising up your teeth and giving them the appearance of being too short. Our dentists can correct this cosmetic flaw using cosmetic gum surgery, also known as a gingivectomy or crown lengthening.

This treatment is fairly simply, we remove a small amount of gum tissue, allowing more of your tooth structure and giving you a smile that you can feel proud to share. Cosmetic gum surgery is possible to perform in as little as one visit to our dental office.

If your gums are too bulky and you suffer from a gummy smile, or if your gumline is uneven or lopsided, cosmetic gum surgery may be the solution for you. Reach out to our office today to learn more about crown lengthening, our team is happy to answer questions and set you up with an appointment to visit our dentists. During your consultation, Dr. Thorson, Dr. Garner can determine if cosmetic gum surgery is right for you.